Exciting news! LiteCorp has achieved FSC accreditation

Lite Corp has recently achieved FSC chain of custody certification for the majority of our products. This means that the responsibly sourced paper claims that are made from our paper suppliers can now be passed further down the chain to the products that we manufacture and distribute.

The FSC label affixed to our products is a visible and respected worldwide brand that confirms for our customers Lite Corp’s commitment to sustainable packaging, display & construction solutions. It is one of the most widely recognised forest certification accreditations available for paper based product manufacturers.

Not only does FSC certification support the environmental integrity of LiteCorp’s products, it gives customers extra reassurance about what their products are made from. Sustainability is critically important at LiteCorp, as we strive daily to make positive steps to improve Australian Industry and its impact on the environment. By helping our clients think differently, we aim to inspire sustainable change and provide end-user consumers with peace of mind through eco-conscious choices.

For more information please download our Certification here.